Saturday, May 31, 2008
I love color!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
....this says it all............
This saying is fitting for ANY time of year, so here's your bit to meditate upon today! I've always loved it.
And this isn't what I intended to post today on the blog, but I'm determined to finish about two more inches of the edging on my beaded cuff bracelet today, so be prepared to see it here tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Kissing cousins?
Harley's mom is 34 and fighting a battle with breast cancer; she finishes up her radiation treatments in two weeks! She has two daughters, four and thirteen, and they have done numerous things to raise money for their mom's gas for their daily trips for radiation; each round-trip is 90 miles. What a wonderful attitude they all have, even through the last Christmas when their mom was sick with chemo, and now seeing her bald and growing new "baby" hair! Harley rubs her mom's head and tells her it feels like a baby elephant's hair! Four is a wonderful age sometimes. Pray with me for my sweet cousins to be able to keep their mom around to see them graduate and get married like "normal" families. Thanks.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Froggy weekend..........
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
This is our local vintage shop, "Catchpenny's" and where I find wonderful things to play with! I hope these photos will enlarge when you click on them so you can check out her pink "crown", too!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Beaded bracelets, finally!
(Can you tell she likes lavenders and pinks?!) Betty's the fastest; give her a new idea and she's off and always the first to finish! Love ya, girl !
And this gorgeous bracelet is being made by friend Deborah.......she loves blues! Hers has a centerpiece of a poly-clay button and also large round glass beads with little raised "dots" on them; then she's filling in the rest of the background with seed beads. "Dee" is left-handed, but always does meticulous work, whether we're quilting, weaving baskets, or any other of our fun Sunday endeavors! Thanks, Dee, for keeping me and Betty going!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A beautiful old lamp...........!
designs! I wish we could remember where we got it and I'd also like to know more about it........when I find a bit of spare time, I'll check into ebay for similar hanging lamps. Oops! I'll post tomorrow a photo of the light
after installation in my's amazing how MUCH light comes through the frosted glass! But then I have a 100-watt bulb in it; the older I get, the more light I require......surely it can't be yet another age-related
bugaboo, can it???!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
.......sick sugar maple............
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I love pink!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Knitting and beading again!
I've only learned to bead on dolls so far, but we made right pretty pins/ brooches from fabric-covered buttons. Sewed the beads on to entirely cover the front, and then covered the backs nicely with felt and a pin-back.
We had so much fun, we decided to tackle a beaded cuff bracelet next......
that's heavy duty Pellon we're stitching onto for the backing. Stay tuned to see what all our bracelets look like when finished......I'm telling you those gals catch on FAST!!! (But they're younger than me!) Heh, heh........that's my excuse when their projects turn out better than mine! But we enjoy the fellowship and have lots of fun...........I am blessed to have these GOOD friends. Thanks, Betty and Dee!
Monday, May 12, 2008
..........more flowers!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
It's only 55 degrees outside today.............but we need the rains.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Baubles and bling!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Beautiful things............
It was a labor of love for the lady who made it by hand, and then so generously donated it for the cause!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Old teapots and local Dog Walk...........
Everything had to be blue for her also 'cause she is and always was a "tomboy", and loved blue. I, on the other hand, with my plain old hazel-brown eyes and love of dollies, ruffles, and tea parties, loved all things pink. So I'm assuming the pink banded teapot here is mine and the blue banded cup is sister's. I surely wish the other parts were here; I'm sure there was a sugar and creamer as well as cups. I remember many a fun tea party with friends and neighbor girlfriends in the side yard..........we used the stump of a huge old tree for our table, and Mama loaned us dish towels for our tablecloths. I'm blessed with so many wonderful and carefree childhood least the ones I can remember!!! The 40's era was a great time to grow up in our family.........even with our maternal grandmother living with us. I wish now that I am old for her to talk with some days.
Our local animal group recently had a dogwalk in order to raise monies for the spay-neuter program, and trying to adopt some puppies presently at the shelter. Click on the photo above to see what's printed into these cute dog biscuits one of the members made to sell.....
And these two pups wanted to all get together and play OUTSIDE the pen instead of walking one-at-a-time! Some cute ones.........I hope they all got great new homes!
........and this great huge van was recently acquired; it does a great service, especially for a poor rural county like Warren. The name of the local animal group is on the side: Citizens for Animal Protection (CAP). About every two weeks this van travels "up north" to New Jersey and carries our local puppies from the shelter that haven't been adopted out to another rescue group there who have wonderful people wanting to adopt them.....and even pay $$$ for them!!! It saves so many dogs from a death sentence...........we hope someday to be a "no-kill" shelter; so far I think the CAP group has worked with the local animal shelter to move them out for adoption here or away before their time runs out! Of course now we have the additional burden of the rising cost of fuel for the van to make runs up north.........the group has more ideas planned locally this summer to raise more funds. Pray for our little group and our cats and dogs!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Blankets and blankets............
Friday, May 2, 2008
Beads and blooms.............
But she's our last "indoor" cat and pretty special..........only other "cat" people can understand that reasoning!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
April showers brought May flowers!
and in a different place! Mother Nature is full of surprises............