And the supposed "bad luck" of a broken mirror has already started: while waiting to finish the root canal next week, this weekend another big old tooth got flossed and I spit out a chunk of the side of the tooth! Dammit.
I shouldn't be surprised; it's one of those 30-year old fillings that we've been expecting to go "someday" least I'm VERY thankful it's not hurting for this weekend! I'm off to find some soup............
What are you b*tchin' about now? lol Phyl, I don't believe in that 7 years of back luck.... shine girl shine! Hmm. And bead that mirror. haha ~Monica
It's not 7 years, anyway--it's 7 minutes. So your bad-luck curse is over now. Relax. Sorry 'bout the dental problems.
Oh, Monica and Susan've made my day with your kind comments!
Thank God for online "girlfriends" with good old common sense!!!
hi phyl
take out the broken mirror and make something with it-you know when life gives you lemons make lemon aid -VBG
(thats a great frame BTW)
and i too have a few of those 30 yr old fillings that are on their way out-more filling than molar-so you are not alone there!!
have a great day
Hi Phyl, Cheer up dear heart, no truth to all those silly old wives tales!! I say make a beaded dream catcher with the lovely frame minus the mirror. Now wouldn't that be pretty, and then it could catch all your dreams about having another "tooth" experience!!!
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