Oh, isn't this tree full of new pink fluffy blooms just gorgeous?!! DH made a trip to a local mall the other day and since I was home, he took pix of the trees blooming to show me. So I'm showing YOU! I can't believe we're going to have such an early spring and summer. This must be an ornamental cherry tree, or something similar. Usually the first things to bloom in our area are the Bradford pear trees.......but all the trees to bloom in March are full of huge FAT buds! Thank you, God! Every winter I think I will not get through it to see another spring and early summer, which are my favorite times during the year. Clinical depression and chronic pain are hard things to deal with, and I know there are others who live with much worse things, but as my birthdays pile up and the "old age" aches and pains add themselves to my already full plate of discontent, I'm finding out that what Mama told me when she was 82 years old and laid up with a broken hip at my house: "NOTHING about old age is fun; and it's NOT for sissies!"
Our mothers were always right.
Hello Phyll,
What a treat to be able to see all your adventures. HOWEVER!!!!!
This tree is so beautiful and saddens me as I look out on the SNOW!!! Calling for 5 more inches on Tuesday..... Where is that damned little gopher that promised an early Spring. I want to pin his ears back?!!!!
Anyway I am happy for you to be able to enjoy such beautiful promises of Spring. I guess I will just be patient and wait for ours to arrive.
and AWE..... Baby Sister is so darling.... Giver her a hug for me.
I'll take one of these trees to go please. :) xo, Monica
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