Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall colors.............

The patches of wild morning glories around the farm are just bursting out with new blooms recently. I guess the few cold nights we had reminded them they'd better "do their thing" before winter sets in eventually!

..........and the yaupon tree in the front yard is just showing off with its gorgeous dress of red berries. The birds don't like these to eat as much as they do the dogwood berries, so when these leaves are gone from the yaupon soon, we will enjoy the burst of color against the naked tree and sky all winter.

.........and all the dozens of dogwood trees around here have made a good crop of berries this year, but the cardinals and bluebirds have almost eaten them all. But even if the berries disappear, the dogwoods' pretty leaves are turning their special shades of red and when the afternoon sun is on them, they're like a watercolor painting............


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Beau-tee-ful photos.

Maggie R said...

goodmorning Phyll...
Your nature pictures are so gorgeous and pleasing to the eye...
The little critters certainly have a buffet of goodies to fatten them up!!
I'm off to the studio. Teaching a 2 day doll class next week so I best get myself organized!!!! if that's possible.. hee hee
Have a great week-end