For all you rock lovers out there: here's a tiny rock I painted like a red KEDS tennis shoe back in the 1970s, when I was doing tole and decorative painting with acrylics. Isn't it sweet, even if I did do it myself?!! I gave it to a special cousin of mine and it lived for 20-odd years on her windowsill and her little grandchildren when they visited would pick it up and carry it around with them until they went home, and then they'd put it back on her windowsill so the next kids could play with it. It has had a lot of loving and tender care; when the cousin died, her daughter asked me if I wanted the rock back, since all the grandkids had grown up and didn't want it. So now it's back on MY windowsill, and I think of my loving cousin and all the cute little cousins of mine who have fondled and loved this little "shoe" all thru the years. I'll bet it could tell some tales if it could talk!
I can't believe I'm still getting wonderful surprise birthday goodies in the mail again this week!!! This beautiful beaded ballpoint pen was made for me by my pal Tammy on Beaded Art Dolls; and the sweet little felt needle case was sent from a new online friend, Jenny, from the Cloth, Paper Studio group. Thank you, girls!!! I love them both, and appreciate your thoughtfulness more than you know. Hey, this blog was a good idea, especially announcing at the first of the month that my birthday was at the end of the month! It's raked in lots of nice RAKs for me! (Random Acts of Kindness).
I LOVE that little shoe rock! How adorable~
Thanks for participating in my decorating survey! Hope you find time to visit me again..
Penny (a fellow NC artist :-))
The little rock is the sweetest thing. My sister used to paint rocks.
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