Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Carolina Arts

........well, artworld: here I go!!! Who says an old crone can't have a blog?!!

Heh, heh........(with help and encouragement from my artsy-fartsy friends, I'm gonna give this blog thing a whirl!) Stay tuned to see if I can upload photos of my creations............

.........and will somebody tell me how I make a gorgeous, bright and bold photo of my mixed-media art at the top of this thing???!!! Or maybe that comes later.........hmmm.

I'm in North Carolina/USA.......born here and never saw the need to leave!

What else could one want?! I'm in driving distance of a gorgeous coastline with not-crowded beaches to the east; and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in all their glory to the west!

1 comment:

girlgonethreadwild said...

Yay! you did it! See, you are a lot smarter than you think. lol Go girl!