Monday, January 7, 2008

Boo-boo banner at top of page!

I've been fiddling with the blog banner and actually got a photo moved there; now the white type is fading into the white clouds/sky! I can't get it to change yet........if anyone can tell me how to fix it, thanks...and hurry!
Meanwhile readers...........bear with me! Blogging is still new to me.

1 comment:

*~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

hi phyl
in the area where you create a new post if you click on 'template'- beneath it you will see 'fonts and colors'you can chose what color you want your fonts to be so that they do not fade into that beautiful pic on your header-is that from your farm?? looks like you have a wonderful place :)
let me know if that works for you