Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sewing tricks.............

Well, all the folks have gone, and this house is SO quiet! This great-niece above helped me cut/sew most of her wrap skirts before they had to leave late yesterday. I sometimes wish for a larger house at times like these, so we wouldn't have to lay out fabric and cut on the floor! But I would only fill it with more stashes of "stuff"! Now to try and get well, and get back to life being "normal", whatever that is.........

For starters, I have to send out my PIF gifty things promised before Christmas; and I'm awaiting the last of the round robin beaded dolls to work on; and need to start a new 2" square of beaded artwork for one of the Yahoo group's challenges. It's a year-long project, but surely I can manage to bead up a little tiny square every 30 days, can't I?! Heh, heh...

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Hope you and hubby are feeling better.