Saturday, September 13, 2008

Beading again.........

This is my first monthly (September's) beaded art doll that I'm making for the next twelve consecutive months. I'm thinking she's going to be a mermaid and have fringes and fishes hanging from the bottom! Stay tuned.
Don't these cute little mushrooms look just like little drinking cups for fairies in the forest?!! Some are tiny and they kept their cup-shape instead of flattening out, for some reason. A first for me, so of course they got their photo taken!


Jane said...

The mushrooms look fantastic-as does the beading of course. She is coming along very nicely

Gypsy said...

Your mermaid has the coolest crown, so she must be Queen of the Mermaids!

girlgonethreadwild said...

You beady Q'een you!

Beads in toes, beads rolling,


rolling to hit the ground...

I have yet to master the art of beading,
but you my dear seem to have such a GIFT!
