I am thankful for friends and neighbors who share with us!
On our morning walk this weekend (already hot/humid at 7 a.m....ugh!) we saw these huge morning glories! I wished we had something with us to lay beside them to show the width...........we both commented we'd never seen any so large...........if that's what they are! The foliage looks the same as normal-sized morning glories; and can you see the "star" shape made with the five creases in each flower? It's more visible on the left one.........another one of God's little daily miracles that most folks sadly don't even look down to notice. I love the little daily miracles in nature here in the country. I wish busy people could/would slow down enough to smell the roses and "see" the ants building their condominiums; or watch my wren starting to poke pine straw into the pottery Williamsburg bird house........more on her later!
Gosh those tomaTOES are g'geous!
Jeff is fighting daylight
(and the HEAT) to keep his greens from turning BROWN.
Ay! Not enuff rain..
then too much.
But, hey stopped in to say I'm back from vaca- been back since the 7th. Was a NICE quick getaway to the lake. Didn't take the camera along. Refused ALL notions of work. Just PLAY.
Glad you stopped in to visit the dollE. Yes, Alma's challenge is you MUST use on eof the techniques from her zine... I of course loved the embroidery patterns she sent along.
I think I might stay on the path of the rag doll just a wee bit longer. :)
p.s. watch for sumthin to arrive in the mail soon
Ummmm. Home-grown tomatoes. One of God's blessings.
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